post Personal

Why Hyper Wellbeing is the Future of Mobile Part 2: The Networked Renaissance

Recently I was interviewed by Martin Geddes. He’s been splitting the interview up and releasing in parts since. I felt the latest segment, part 2 was of particular interest because it provides some of the wider framing or context that the event fits into. He kindly agreed that I may cross-publish it here. You have undertaken a vast multi-year self-education on... Read MoreWhy Hyper Wellbeing is the Future of Mobile Part 2: The Networked Renaissance

post Conference

Hyper Wellbeing Manifesto – First Draft

Every few hundred years in Western history there occurs a sharp transformation. Within a few short decades, society – its worldview, its basic values, its social and political structures, its key institutions – rearranges itself. — Peter Drucker Today our best starting point is facilitating wearables and mobile towards sickness (e.g. lifestyle disease) prevention; wellness optimization (e.g. real-time data-driven highly personalized, fitness, nutrition, sleep, stress etc.);... Read MoreHyper Wellbeing Manifesto – First Draft

post Conference

Third-Computing Revolution

Computing is integrating with the human being. It began with the mobile phone; particularly when mobile underwent a revolution starting in 2007 to become an “open”, always-connected, general purpose, multi-sensor1, pocket computer2. This has positioned it onto a path of increasing ability to capture and ascertain “intimate data”; data that is close-to-body and data about how we live our lives.... Read MoreThird-Computing Revolution

post Weekly Thought Snippet

Augmenting Humanity with Machine Learning for Health & Happiness

For a number of years now a dear friend (who’ll remain nameless) has barraged me to write. Today I finally decided to give in under the conditions that it only be a thought snippet or musing (100-700 words) each week day. [April 21, 2016: lets make that 500-1500 words weekly instead] He has lamented that my modus operandi the past... Read MoreAugmenting Humanity with Machine Learning for Health & Happiness

post Conference

Making a Net Positive Life Difference with ‘Connected Technologies’

Back when I’d run the Emerging Communications Conference & Awards (eComm) ‘What’s Next in Telecom, Mobile & Internet Communications’, I’d go to my hotel room each night and I’d think. I’d seriously wonder if the event mattered. Yes it was great to have the brightest people come together. Yes it was great to see and spur innovation. Yes it was... Read MoreMaking a Net Positive Life Difference with ‘Connected Technologies’